Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Chinese scams: how to find them out

AQF_Chinese scams: how to find it out

China is the largest manufacturer of goods in the world. It has a very rich variety of suppliers: enormous and tiny, excellent and awful, real and fake. One third of the importers usually organize their supply chain in China by their own. However, they take a lot of risk as Chinese scams are frequent.
Just by searching on internet, we can easily find business people complaining how they have lost their money. The main reason is their illiteracy on how to do business in Asia, especially in China. Experienced business people are familiar with those common scamming schemes. They can protect the importers’ money for few dollars.

How to avoid Chinese scams

  • Perform factory audits: many importers are aware of the real importance of a service such as the Factory Audit. Some had to experience Chinese scams to understand how useful an audit is.
  • Always keep an eye open: only the awareness of the Chinese scams risks can protect us from working with scammers.
  • Learn about the several scammers’ types: “Legal” Scammers, Spammers, Guilin Scammers and much more.
And you: how do you identify Chinese scams?

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