Wednesday, December 5, 2018

China toys manufacturers & international standards

 AQF_China toys manufacturers & international standards by the Quality Control Blog
Consumers are very cautious when purchasing toys. They carefully look at where they have been made. Usually the “Made in China” can make them reluctant to purchase the product however toys importers have to work with Chinese suppliers, as explained in a previous article. There is a good news for toys importers and consumers, China government is taking action to increase the standard levels nationally!

China government & International standards for toys

China is raising its demand in term of toys manufacturing standard to get closer to the international standards including the European standards. It applies to all toys for children under 14 years old. The objective of the Chinese government is to give more opportunities to China toys manufacturers to export their goods.
The application of the new regulations should take effect on January 2016. If some factories start following the new standards before that date, the Chinese authorities will inform the consumers. Buyers and importers should keep an eye open as soon as a list is available in the coming months and years!
Read more about it in this interesting article from the China daily.

A wider and safer offer from China toys manufacturers for toys importers

As a consequence of the Chinese government decision, the know-how on the international standard and ability to follow them will improve for all China toys manufacturers. In few years, they will be able to produce a higher product quality therefore the risks related to the importation of toys from China will be reduced.
Toys buyers and importers will have more opportunities for sourcing products: the number of factories able to comply with their requirement will be bigger. The more suppliers are in the market, the more competition is involved which has consequences on the costs and business opportunities without affecting the toys safety.
And you: feel free to share your thoughts about the opportunities with China toys manufacturers that you see thanks to the new regulation!

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