Tuesday, November 27, 2018

How to Find Good China Sourcing Agent


Ever encountered any difficulty while importing products from China? Delayed delivery time because the factory can’t complete the order on time, or perhaps a difference in the quality of the product received as compared to the sample reviewed before placing the order.
Sometimes you have signed the contract and are all set to receive your order. The production also goes well with quality products ready as per the schedule, but the bad news hits later when you discover that some important certificates required for import are missing.We hear such similar horror stories every day.
Therefore, now more and more importers are opting for the services of a professional sourcing agent (procurement agent) who handles the entire process of importing from China to your country.In this post, I want to share:
  • Why should you choose sourcing agents to handle your imports from China?
  • What factors determine an excellent sourcing agent?
  • Sourcing agent based in China VS sourcing agents found in other countries
  • How to look for sourcing agent in China?
  • Difference between sourcing agents in different cities in China
Let’s dive in now.

Chapter 1: Why you need a sourcing agent to help you purchase products from China?

Let us first find out more about who exactly is a purchasing agent (procurement agent). What will be your first step if you wish to purchase a house or a property? Finding a reliable and professional real estate agent, right? A real estate agent helps you find relevant properties as per your precise requirements and also assists in finalizing the deal, saving you a lot of time, effort and headache.
Just like a real estate agent helps you find and purchase the best property, a sourcing agent assists in the process of importing goods from China to your country. The sourcing agent takes away all the burden of the hassle involved in importing the order, making the process of procuring goods from China highly efficient and effortless.
Whether it is your first time importing products from China, or you are a regular importer of goods, the services of a sourcing agent are indispensable if you want the process to be quick, and hassle-free. A person who has never import from China needs a sourcing agent and an experienced importer also needs. Enlisted below are top four advantages of using the services of a sourcing agent:

a. Helps you find the suppliers who offer the best price and highest quality
If you are looking for a product, you can easily find thousands of suppliers on Alibaba. But determining which supplier will deliver excellent quality at the most reasonable price can be incredibly daunting.
However, a sourcing agent can help you find a lot of factories and suppliers that are not available on Alibaba. Their prices are usually the lowest in China. But these factory suppliers don’t speak English, so they can only sell their products to foreign importers through trading companies or sourcing agents.
b. Helps you follow up production and save time.
Maybe you have already had an extensive network and know a lot of good suppliers. But there’s another hurdle that comes during the actual production process. Since, you are located outside China, following up with the suppliers and ensuring the production is on track as per the schedule may become tedious and the information provided is also not entirely reliable.
You need to work with the factory to talk about details about how to produce your product and push the production to finish on time. Usually the entire follow up time will last 1-2 months, and some product development projects will be longer. You can delegate these responsibilities to the sourcing agent and save a lot of time that can be utilized to focus on core business activities.
c. Quality Control

a. Helps you find the suppliers who offer the best price and highest quality
If you are looking for a product, you can easily find thousands of suppliers on Alibaba. But determining which supplier will deliver excellent quality at the most reasonable price can be incredibly daunting.
However, a sourcing agent can help you find a lot of factories and suppliers that are not available on Alibaba. Their prices are usually the lowest in China. But these factory suppliers don’t speak English, so they can only sell their products to foreign importers through trading companies or sourcing agents.
b. Helps you follow up production and save time.
Maybe you have already had an extensive network and know a lot of good suppliers. But there’s another hurdle that comes during the actual production process. Since, you are located outside China, following up with the suppliers and ensuring the production is on track as per the schedule may become tedious and the information provided is also not entirely reliable.
You need to work with the factory to talk about details about how to produce your product and push the production to finish on time. Usually the entire follow up time will last 1-2 months, and some product development projects will be longer. You can delegate these responsibilities to the sourcing agent and save a lot of time that can be utilized to focus on core business activities.
c. Quality Control

a. Helps you find the suppliers who offer the best price and highest quality
If you are looking for a product, you can easily find thousands of suppliers on Alibaba. But determining which supplier will deliver excellent quality at the most reasonable price can be incredibly daunting.
However, a sourcing agent can help you find a lot of factories and suppliers that are not available on Alibaba. Their prices are usually the lowest in China. But these factory suppliers don’t speak English, so they can only sell their products to foreign importers through trading companies or sourcing agents.
b. Helps you follow up production and save time.
Maybe you have already had an extensive network and know a lot of good suppliers. But there’s another hurdle that comes during the actual production process. Since, you are located outside China, following up with the suppliers and ensuring the production is on track as per the schedule may become tedious and the information provided is also not entirely reliable.
You need to work with the factory to talk about details about how to produce your product and push the production to finish on time. Usually the entire follow up time will last 1-2 months, and some product development projects will be longer. You can delegate these responsibilities to the sourcing agent and save a lot of time that can be utilized to focus on core business activities.
c. Quality Control
quality control while visiting factory

The role of the sourcing agent is more like your interest representative in China. He will be your eyes and hands in China. During the production process, the sourcing agent can visit the factory to see if the products produced meet the quality standards and your requirements.
After the goods are ready, the agent can again inspect the quality before shipping the goods to your country. Also, in case of quality issues or discrepancies in order, the agent can help you negotiate with the factory and ensure that the final products are precisely what you ordered.
The agent may convince the factory to correct the order or provide alternate solutions. If you ask a third-party inspection company, they can only tell you the result of the inspection is failed or passed.
d. Reduce your risk of importing from China
A good sourcing agent has a lot of experience in product production, product safety, compliance certifications, import and export process rules, and international transportation.
Depending on the product you are purchasing, he will tell you what certificates are needed to import the product into your country, what shipping method is best, and whether the product has potential patent issues.

Chapter 2: How to identify a good sourcing agent (procurement agent)?

I have already introduced the benefits of a sourcing agent. Let me talk about what qualifies as a good sourcing agent. You can use these points to judge the sourcing agents you are using now or find a good sourcing agent in the future based on these points mentioned below.
a. Communication: Fluent English, High-efficiency
A good sourcing agent must have a strong command over English in both writing and speaking and should be able to communicate with you smoothly by phone and email. Smooth communication is the foundation that helps develop cooperation and seamless workflow.
Ability to communicate fluently and confidently in English also reflects that the agent can be trusted to carry out his tasks efficiently and with ease. On the other hand, if your sourcing agent’s English is weak, it will only cost you time as you will have to communicate your requirements time and again until he understands them correctly.
A good sourcing agent must also be highly-efficient and prompt in responding to the emails.  There is a time difference between China and most countries. China is 12-15 hours ahead of the US and is 7-8 hours ahead of Europe.
Usually, your questions will not be answered until the next day. If your sourcing agent never responds to your emails and messages after work or on weekends, they are not a good fit.
b. Understand your requirement
In addition to knowing English, it is also essential for the sourcing agent to be quick in understanding the precise requirements of his clients.
For example, if the product is complicated and you require a little customization with the material or redesigning some parts, the sourcing agent must be able to understand your requirements so that he can convey the same to suppliers.
They can communicate with the factory on behalf of you according to your product ideas. If your sourcing agent can‘t understand your real need very clearly, then it will take more time to modify the product back and forth.
Communicate with supplier
c. Professional product knowledge
There are two main types of sourcing agents, and you need to choose an appropriate sourcing agent according to your own needs. One, those who assist in finding a particular kind of product, such as drugs, machinery, etc. and the others are who specialize in finding products of daily use for consumers.
Sourcing agent who specializes in finding suppliers of a specific type of product needs to have a good understanding of the products and relevant professional knowledge as well. Customers who come to procure such products are professionals with sound knowledge of those products. The knowledge and experience of the sourcing agent should at least match his customer so that he can understand client requirements and deliver the same.
The agents who deal in all kinds of products have an extensive network of cooperative factories and suppliers. So, they can find the best suppliers for the products you want in a very short time. If you open a supermarket in your country and need hundreds or even thousands of different categories of products, the procurement management can be challenging. In this case, sourcing agents that specialize in providing all kinds of products can prove to be an asset.
d. Professional import & export experience
Any good sourcing agent must have a good understanding of the legalities and paperwork involved in import & export. This includes the process of import & export, certificate and document requirement, licenses, etc.
The agents should also know about international transportation. They should have an understanding of what kind of products can’t be transported by air or by sea, or what type of compliance certificate is required for air transportation. In addition to this, the sourcing agent should have knowledge of patents to avoid potential inconvenience while importing.

Professional in hardware

Chapter 3: Chinese sourcing agent VS sourcing agent based in other countries


There are tens and thousands of companies and independent sourcing agents in the world that help with procurement management from China. Some are Chinese sourcing agent while the others are based in other countries around the world.
Wondering what the difference between the two is. Well, both have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. Depending upon your requirements, you can choose the agents that best suit your needs. Here are some key points that will help you decide whether you should opt for a Chinese sourcing agent or an agent based in other countries.

A. Purchasing country

The sourcing agents based in other countries usually are some foreigners who have experience in importing from China. They may have been to China for a few years, then began with helping import products from China for some friends or people who want to import from China.
These foreigners who are engaged in sourcing products from China may not only purchase from China, but generally work in other Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Taiwan, and Malaysia as well. The products in these countries are cheaper because of the low labor costs. So, for instance, if you plan on trading in shoes or clothing, the sourcing agent who is familiar with the markets of other Asian countries may help you procure products from the best market beyond China.
However, a sourcing agent who is based in China can only help you procure products from Chinese markets.

asia sourcing agent
asia sourcing agent
let’s find out the primary export products of top Asian countries.

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